Lessons Learned in 2016

I’ve learned a lot this year. 

I’ve learned things don’t always turn out the way you planned or the way you think they should. There are things that go wrong that don’t always get fixed or get put back together the way they were before...

I've learned why the Shepherd goes to such extremes to rescue one lost sheep.

I’ve learned some days it feels like you are only surviving one second at a time. But you do. You survive. And God can bring peace in the darkest days. 

I’ve barely glimpsed how deep the betrayal Jesus must have felt on the cross and the depth of pain He must have felt when he cried, “Let this cup pass from me. Not my will, but Yours be done.” I’ve learned to pray that prayer.

I’ve learned sometimes God doesn’t move the mountains I need Him to move. He doesn’t always part the waters so that I can walk through on dry ground, because sometimes it's our trials that bring treasures to His throne.

I’ve learned it’s okay to scream. To cry. To hurt. Sometimes you need to let yourself feel, but hang onto the promises of the Father. Then go to the beach and sit with good friends and travel and dance and laugh and breathe and heal.

I’ve learned God’s plans are greater than my dreams. 

I’ve learned God’s family is an army and they will fight battles alongside you. 

I’ve learned if God gives you this life it’s because He will make you strong enough to live it, because He is strong.

I’ve learned joy and pain can dwell in your heart simultaneously.

I’ve learned that, through Christ, I am capable. And brave. And enough.

I’ve learned happiness and fulfillment are a pro-active choice, not a set of circumstances.

I’ve learned to be a victor, not a victim. 

I’ve learned it’s okay to live a life others don’t understand. What God knows about me is more important than what others think about me.

I’ve learned to find my new normal (or at least start).

I’ve learned people will fail us, but God will never, never leave. 

I’ve learned God is my good.

I’ve learned how ridiculously amazing it is that this world is not my home. 

I've learned that through whatever this life brings, God can do exceedingly, abundantly beyond all I can ask or think.

Finally, I’ve learned I don’t know much at all, but that's okay, because I know God and He knows all.


  1. I'm sorry for all the hurts you've experienced but thankful you remained strong in the Lord. You may not know it now, but you will be the aid someone is needing in the future. You will be able to help in their time of hurt. May God bless you and wrap you in His loving care. You are an amazing woman.

    Sara H.

  2. These are helpful words. Admire your spirit.

  3. God bless you Nichole. I am confident that He has and will continue to bless you. You have my greatest wishes and prayers - always.....that you will serve Him always, with great joy and growing understanding, and that He will always provide. If you don't ever learn the lesson, you can't ever help those you need guidance in learning the lesson. Your life was a very good lesson to others before 2016, I'm thinking....since 2016....you're prepared to be a much greater teacher of life lessons.

  4. Excellent (and very encouraging) thoughts, Nichole! May we all learn these lessons!


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