“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” --Benjamin Franklin
I’ve always loved to write…well more truthfully I’ve always loved to read. I am a book connoisseur. I will read old books, new books, popular books, self-published books, fiction books, nonfiction books, romance books, science fiction books, adult books, children’s books, big books, little books, etc. You get my point. So…because I have always loved to read, I also enjoy to write as well. I’ve always dreamt of writing a book one day. One that I could be proud of. One that would inspire people. Unfortunately, I’m not the best writer. I’m not the most eloquent. And I can’t. Tell. A. Story. Especially a story that isn’t mine. So here I am, writing MY story. I’m not promising that it will be funny or entertaining or even especially inspiring. I’m not promising that you will comprehend all of the back story or that the details will be presented with a nice polished bow. I’m not promising I will use proper grammar or spelling or comma-usage. I’m not promising that you will understand any of it…all I’m promising is that this story will be mine. My thoughts. My feelings. My experiences. Perhaps that is selfish of me to think my life is worth reading about or perhaps it is selfless to include you in my thoughts…in my life. Perhaps it is cowardly to hide behind a computer or perhaps it is brave to expose myself openly. Either way…this is me. Maybe along the way I will write something worth reading…or do something worth writing…
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